Crisis Services
REACH (Regional Education Assessment Crisis Habilitation)
The REACH Program serves children and adults with a developmental disability who have significant behavioral and/or mental health issues. Through center and community based supports it provides crisis prevention and intervention services. Referrals and requests for REACH services may be made by individuals, families or service providers.
REACH is a statewide service with 5 regional programs serving all ages.
Region I: Charlottesville and Surrounding Areas
(855) 917-8278
Region II: Northern Virginia
Adults 18 + (855) 897-8278 Children 844-627-4747
Region III: Southwest Virginia
(855) 887-8278
Region IV: Richmond and Surrounding Areas
(833) 968-1800
Region V: Southeast Virginia/Tidewater Area
Adults 18+ (855) 807-8278 Children 888-225-2989
CCC Plus Waiver
The former Elderly and/or Disabled with Consumer Direction Waiver and the Assisted Technology Waivers were combined into one singular waiver, the Commonwealth Coordinated Care (CCC)Plus Medicaid Waiver, effective July 1, 2017.
The CCC Plus Medicaid Waiver is for:
-adults 65+ with a medical or nursing need and
-individuals less than 65 years with a disability and a medical or nursing need.
There is no waiting list for this waiver.
It delivers services through agency and consumer directed models.
Click to view the CCC Plus Waiver Services Descriptions.
Remember: Family income is never considered for Medicaid Waiver eligibility.
Applying for the CCC Plus Waiver
To request CCC Plus Waiver services contact your local Dept. of Social Services or your local Dept. of Health.
You may be asked why you/the individual needs the CCC Plus Waiver. Be prepared to identify the CCC Plus Waiver services that are needed.
You may not be denied a screening. If you are denied ask for a letter of denial.
You do not have to have Medicaid to be screened and you do not have to file a Medicaid application to be screened.
If you are found eligible based on the screening for the Medicaid Waiver, to use it you must apply for Medicaid.
Representatives from the local Department of Health and local Dept. of Social Services screen individuals to determine if they meet the qualifications to receive this waiver.
An appointment will be scheduled for you to be screened for the waiver.
The screening team (Health Dept. nurse and Social Services representative) uses a tool called the Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI) to determine if individuals meet the required functional dependencies, medical/nursing needs and are at risk of nursing home placement.
Screenings may also take place when an individual is hospitalized. Ask the hospital staff to arrange a screening.
For more information about the UAI CHILDRENS Screening Criteria starting on page 2 click here.
Medicaid Application and Financial Eligibility
You/the individual must submit a Medicaid application and meet financial requirements.
You do not have to submit a Medicaid application prior to the screening.
Click to view how to Apply for Medicaid by phone, online or at your local Department of Social Services.
You may also go to your local Department of Social Services and ask for an application.
Financial considerations for Medicaid are based on the individual’s (18+) income not the family’s income!
For adults receiving the Waiver, the 2023 monthly individual income limit is $2,742. The resource limit is $2,000.00.
When You Are Approved
When approved for the CCC Plus Waiver then you most likely will be placed into the CCC Plus Health Plan Program. Individuals enrolled in HIPP are excluded from the CCC Plus Health Plan.
To learn more about CCC Plus Health Plan Program, click to view the CCC Plus website.
Regulations and Manuals
Click to view the CCC Plus Waiver Regulations
Click to view the CCC Plus Waiver Manual
Click to view the CCC Plus CMS(federal) Waiver Application
Reimbursement Rates
Click to view the CCC Plus Reimbursement Rates
Appeal Rights
You have the right to challenge decisions and actions regarding Medicaid. An Appeal must be requested within 30 days of the decision or action that you disagree with. Click to view Medicaid Appeal information.
The CCC Plus Waiver is administered by the VA Dept. of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS).
Developmental Disability (DD) Waiver
Virginia's Developmental Disability Waiver Program is complex, complicated and subject to change.
Here we have DD Waiver topics and information to help you navigate the DD Waiver.
Remember, parent income is never considered for Medicaid Waiver eligibility.
Contact The Arc of Virginia if you have questions or need assistance with accessing and/or using the DD Waiver Program. Call (804) 649-8481 x 104 or Email:
Information is POWER!
Eligibility Requirements and Application Process
What Happens When You are on the DD Wait List
Supports Intensity Scale - "SIS"
Reimbursement Rates for DD Services (NOVA = Northern VA, ROS = Rest of State)
Other Resources
Navigating the DD Waivers: A Guide for Individuals, Families and Support Partners
Assistive Tech and Environmental Modifications Waiver Providers
Medicaid Eligibility when Turning 18 years
Centers for Medicaid and Medicare(CMS) Waiver Applications:
1. Building Independence Waiver Application
2. Family and Individual Support Waiver Application
**FIS Waiver Effective November 11, 2023
3. Community Living Waiver Application
**CL Waiver Effective November 11, 2023
Social Security
SSI, Social Security and Work Incentive Programs
The Social Security Administration pays disability benefits through two programs:
Many people who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may also be entitled to Social Security benefits.
In fact, the application for SSI is also an application for Social Security benefits. However, SSI and Social Security are different in many ways.
Social Security benefits may be paid to you and certain members of your family if you are “insured” meaning you worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes.
SSI benefits are not based on your prior work or a family member’s prior work. The U.S. Treasury general tax funds pay for SSI, not the Social Security trust funds.
Workers who are receiving SSI or SSDI may work and maintain public benefits including health insurance by using work incentive programs which are described below.
YES, you can work and keep benefits – check out the Work Incentive Programs below!
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is a needs based disability assistance program that pays benefits to adults and children with disabilities who have limited income and resources.
It provides cash to meet basic needs for food, shelter and clothing.
The payment amount depends on an individual’s circumstances. The current (2023)maximum SSI payment is $914.00.00 per month. .
The Social Security Administration manages the program.
Children from birth to age 18 may qualify for SSI benefits:
Child must be disabled as determined by Social Security Disability Determination Services.
Child must have little or no income and resources.
The family’s household income, resources, and other personal information are considered by Social Security in determining if your child qualifies for SSI.
Your child must meet all of the following requirements:
Child must have a physical or mental condition that results in “marked and severe functional limitations” (your child’s condition must seriously limit their activities.)
Child’s condition must have lasted, or be expected to last, at least 12 months in a row
Child may not earn more than $2040.00 monthly up to a yearly maximum of $8230.00 (This amount changes every year.)
To get started you must complete an SSI application in person at your local Social Security Administration office or on the phone. When you apply they will ask for detailed information about your child’s medical condition and how it affects his/her ability to function. They will ask for medical records and possibly need to speak with your child’s doctors, teachers, therapist and other professionals. This information is sent to Disability Determination Services to decide if your child is disabled. This process generally takes 3 to 5 months.
Certain medical conditions qualify for SSI to be received right away and up to 6 months while Disability Determination Services decides if your child is disabled. Qualifying conditions for Compassionate Allowance may be viewed here: Compassionate Allowance.
Once it is determined a child is eligible and starts to receive SSI, your child’s medical condition will be reviewed at least every three years for children under 18.
Your child is eligible to receive Medicaid if you are receiving SSI payments, however you must apply for benefits at your local Department of Social Services office.
The Social Security website has easy to locate information about the SSI child program here.
To Apply for SSI for a child click here.
Age 18 Redetermination Process in the SSI Program
In the SSI program there is a different definition of disability for children than there is for adults, with the childhood definition being less stringent. Because of this, all SSI recipients who turn 18 are required to have their eligibility reviewed under the adult disability standard without consideration of any previous disability determination. This is known as the “age 18 redetermination process ”. Because the age 18 redetermination uses a different disability standard than the one used for children it is possible for an individual to be found ineligible for SSI as an adult even though no change has occurred in medical condition or ability to function since being found eligible for childhood SSI benefits.
The age 18 redetermination is generally conducted at some point during the individual’s 18th year. If the person is found eligible for SSI as an adult, the monthly benefit check and Medicaid coverage continue uninterrupted. If the individual is determined ineligible for SSI under the adult standard, benefits will be payable for two more months after the notice of ineligibility is received and then will stop. At this point the individual would be considered ineligible for SSI cash payments and SSI related Medicaid coverage.
Adults and When a Child Turns 18
For disability purposes in the SSI program a child becomes an adult at age 18. Different rules are used at this time.
Income and resources of family members are no longer a factor when determining an adult’s eligibility.
If your child is already receiving SSI payments, the child’s medical information will be reviewed when they turn 18. Adult disability rules will be applied.
If your child was not eligible for SSI before his/her 18th birthday because of family resources and income they may be eligible at 18.
Adult eligibility requirements:
Must have a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which:
results in the inability to do any substantial gainful activity; (earnings averaging over $1,470 a month (for the year 2023) generally demonstrate SGA. and
can be expected to result in death; or
has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.
Meet financial and resource limitations. Adults may not have more than $2,000 in resources.
To apply for SSI for an ADULT click here.
You are eligible to receive Medicaid if you are receiving SSI payments, however you must apply for benefits at your local Department of Social Services office.
The Social Security website has easy to locate information about the SSI program here.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Program
SSDI pays benefits to adults with disabilities that began prior to age 22. This is considered a child’s benefit because it is paid on a parent’s Social Security earnings.
For an adult with a disability to be eligible for this benefit based on the parent, the parent:
Must be receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits or
Must have died and worked long enough under the Social Security program.
Although your child does not need to have worked to be eligible for these benefits, a determination regarding their disability is used based on the criteria used for adults.
To apply for Social Security Disability Insurance click
Work Incentive Programs and Resources
If you are working or are interested in working, you may continue to receive Social Security benefits and maintain benefits including Medicaid by utilizing work incentive programs.
Medicaid Works allows enrollees to continue Medicaid and have resources up to $46,340.00 and annual earnings of up to $75,000. Medicaid Works requires that you enroll before your monthly income goes above $1677.00. (2023 amounts).
Help with Work Incentives Planning is available to people with disabilities who want to or are working to keep their benefits. Community Work Incentives Counselors and Benefits Specialists provide Social Security Administration disability beneficiaries (including transition-to-work aged youth) benefits planning and assistance services to help individuals with disabilities meet their employment goals.
Working and Receiving Benefits Guide: The Red Book is a self-help guide for youth, families, adult workers and others interested in the work incentive programs of Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs.
Medicaid, Waivers and Wait List
Are you signed up to receive The Arc of Virginia's monthly K/Now? If not click here.
With new rules coming into effect on March 1, 2024 for LRIs, we have created 3 Resources for Families. These resources are meant to meet you where you are based on your knowledge. We have 3 levels of information:
1) Quick Start Guide - short basic steps to take now to get you started
2) Fact Sheet - one page with all the basic facts you need
3) Overview - 3-page full overview of the new rules and what to do
Click below to Download what you need
The Updated Rules required "LRI Forms" and training materials are on the DMAS WEBPAGE
Virginia's Budget
On Sept. 15, 2023 The Governor signed the Budget. Here are a few highlights:
Medicaid Waivers: 70 DD Community Living Waiver slots and 430 Family and Individual Services Waiver slots to be available January 1, 2024.
Waiver Reimbursement Rates: DD and CCC Plus Medicaid Waiver Consumer-Directed and Agency reimbursement rates for Personal Care, Companion and Respite will increase 5% effective January 1, 2024.
The Consumer Directed Rate for Northern VA increases to $17.27/hour and the Rest of the State Rate increases to 13.34/hour on January 1, 2024.
Early Intervention Services rates will increase by 12.5% on January 1, 2024.(Does not apply to case management).
The K/Now Newsletter has more detail. Did you get your September K/Now? If not click here.
In January 2024 the following 500 new DD Waivers will be available to those on the Waiver Wait List:
Community Living Waiver -70
Family and Individual Services Waiver - 430
In July 2023 the following new DD Waivers were available to those on the Waiver Waitlist:
Community Living Waiver - 100 waivers
Family and Individual Support - 500 waivers
Additional DD Waivers may become available anytime. They are available when a person no longer qualifies for a DD waiver, when someone moves out of state or no longer wants to use their waiver, when someone dies of the VA General Assembly funds additional waivers.
DD Waiver Waitlist as of October, 2023
Total # on Waitlist: 14,941
Of the Total, 53% are under 18 years of age.
Of the Total, 3,395 are in Priority Level 1.
What to do if YOU are on the DD Waiver Wait List:
If you are on the DD Waiver Waitlist make sure that your DD Waiver application documents accurately reflect your current situation.
Request the following application documents from your Community Services Board:
VIDES - Everyone on the DD Waiver Wait List
Priority Level - Everyone on the DD Waiver Wait List
Critical Needs Summary - Everyone on Priority Level 1
Waiver Slot Assignment Review Form - those who are going to be reviewed by the DD Waiver Slot Assignment Committee
Review the information on the forms for accuracy. Call your Support Coordinator/Case Manager if updates are needed.
For the documents and more information about the DD Waiver application process click here.
Medicaid Eligibility Redetermination - Can they contact you?
During the Public Health Emergency, the Departments of Social Services(DSS) did not re-determine if people with Medicaid were still eligible for Medicaid. In March 2023 the Departments of Social Services(DSS) started re-determining if people are eligible.
If you have Medicaid and want to keep it, make sure that your local DSS has your current address and contact information. To update your contact information and to find out when your Medicaid renewal date is you may:
Go Online at, or
Call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or
Call your local Department of Social Services.
The Arc of Virginia will provide updates as information becomes available. Facebook is the first place we alert readers to changes. Or you may check this webpage anytime.
If you need information about Virginia public resources for people with or at risk of disabilities contact The Arc of Virginia (, (804)649-8481 x 104
If you have questions about Medicaid/Cardinal Care you may email:
DD Waiver:
CCC+ Waiver:
General Inquiries:
Individual and Family Support
Information and Resources
If you are on the Developmental Disability Waiver Wait List you may be able to access the Individual and Family Support Program (IFSP) and Support Coordination/Case Management.
Support Coordination/Case Management - Community Services Board
Support Coordinator (SC) (sometimes called a Case Manager) provides support coordination known as Targeted Case Management (TCM) services for people with Developmental Disabilities (DD). Support Coordination assists people in gaining access to needed programs, medical, social, educational and other services. A Support Coordinator is responsible for developing and maintaining the Individual Support Plan (ISP) with the person, their family and substitute decision-maker (as applicable), and other team members designated by the person. A Support Coordinator is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the provision of services included in the Individual Services Plan.
Click for more information about Support Coordination.
Individual and Family Support Program Funding - VA Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
The Individual and Family Support Program-Funding is designed to assist children and adults on the waiting list for the Developmental Disability Waiver Program to access short-term resources, supports, and services that will help them remain in their home.
IFSP-Funding provides funding to children/adults who are on Virginia’s DD waiver waitlist. Individuals with a developmental disability who are on the DD waitlist or their family member are eligible to apply. IFSP funds cover the cost of a very wide variety of items and supports to help the child/adult living in their own home or their family home.
To get information about the IFSP including IFSP Funding announcements, subscribe to the email list.
DARS - Virginia Lifetime Respite Program
A Mothers Rest
Camps - disability and non-disability may work. Camp Baker, Easter Seal, Google is Your Friend for more options.
TIP - Ask, ask - your Community Services Board for local respite resources, - people you know for resources, your Medicaid Care Coordinator.
Inclusive Education
Education: Birth - 22 and Beyond
All children and youth with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) must receive a free appropriate public education that includes fair evaluation, ambitious goals, challenging objectives, the right to progress, individualized supports and services, high quality instruction, and access to the general education curriculum in age-appropriate inclusive settings. Parents and families must be supported as essential partners in the education and transition to adult life of their sons and daughters.
EARLY INTERVENTION: Birth - 36 months
Infant Toddler Connection
The Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia is Virginia's early intervention system for infants and toddlers (age 0-36 months) with disabilities and their families. Any infant or toddler in Virginia who isn't developing as expected or who has a medical condition that can delay typical development is eligible to receive early intervention supports and services under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Early intervention supports and services focus on increasing the child's participation in family and community activities that are important to the family. In addition, supports and services focus on helping parents and other caregivers know how to find ways to help their children learn during everyday activities.
The Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia’s supports and services are available to all eligible children and their families regardless of a family's ability to pay.
Families: Questions, not sure what to do, want help getting started, contact New Path - The Arc of Virginia's Family Support Network Email: Call: (804) 649-8481 x 104
SPECIAL EDUCATION: 3 years -22 years
The Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) is what guarantees a free appropriate public education to all eligible children with disabilities. These are the steps in the special education process:
Identification and referral
Determination of eligibility
Development of an individualized education program (IEP) and determination of services
When your child receives special education services this means their instruction is specially designed to meet the needs of the child. This is at no cost to the parent. This includes instruction in the classroom, home, hospitals or other settings. This includes instruction in physical education. If your child is receiving special education an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is written. The IEP provides information specifically about your child and how this program is going to improve teaching, how your child learns and their academic results. This program is designed specifically for your child and to meet their specific needs.
Families: Questions, not sure what to do, want help getting started, contact New Path - The Arc of Virginia's Family Support Network Email: Call: (804) 649-8481 x 104
Additional Resources:
Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center
disAbility Law Center of Virginia
VA Dept. of Rehabilitative Services
Students and Families: If you have questions, not sure what to do, want help getting started, contact The Arc of Virginia: Email: Call: (804) 649-8481 x 104
Early Intervention
Infant & Toddler Connection
The Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia provides early intervention supports and services to infants and toddlers from birth through age two who are not developing as expected or who have a medical condition that can delay normal development. Early intervention supports and services focus on increasing the child's participation in family and community activities that are important to the family. In addition, supports and services focus on helping parents and other caregivers know how to find ways to help the child learn during everyday activities. These supports and services are available for all eligible children and their families regardless of the family's ability to pay.
New Path is For Families
New Path provides understanding, compassionate peer-to-peer support to empower, educate and connect families through their journey as caregivers of a child aged 0-5 who is, or at risk of, a developmental delay or disability in VA to build an inclusive community of support improving the lives of all families
New Path is a family support network to guide you on this new journey to help your child(ren) meet their developmental milestones. At times, this journey can become overwhelming but we are here to help. New Path is here to provide you with individualized resources and support for your family.
For more information please check out our New Path page!